Cribbage is a fun game with a medium barrier to entry.
The way the cards work is pretty normal…mostly.
As a Cribbage enthusiast and competitive player, I hear these questions about the cards (and the Ace is particular) more than any other.
I’ll go over them for you with clear, concise answers. Let’s dive in!

Check out our comprehensive guide on the rules of cribbage and how to play with examples, scoring breakdowns, and vocabulary guide.
Table of Contents
Is The Cribbage Ace High Or Low?
The Ace is Cribbage is always low. It has a value of 1 and can only be made into a run using the 2 and the 3.
Is An Ace 1 Or 11 In Cribbage?
In Cribbage, the Ace has the value of 1, and it’s low. The numbered cards have the same value as what’s printed on them. Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) all have a value of 10. This makes 10 the most common value, and it makes up 4/13th or almost a quarter of the deck.
How Does The Ace Play In Cribbage?
The Ace is of low-moderate value in the game of Cribbage. In pegging, it’s often used to make 31 for two points. It works with low cards for pegging in general, but it isn’t often part of massive hands.
Is Ace King Queen A Run In Cribbage?
Ace-King-Queen isn’t a run in cribbage as Aces are low and Kings are high. They can’t wrap around to meet. By the same token, 2-Ace-King isn’t a run either.
What Does Ace High Or Low Mean?
When someone says Aces are high or Aces are low, they’re referring to the rank of the card in a specific game. Ace-high means the card sits atop the deck (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace). Ace-low means the card is a 1 and at the bottom (Ace, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jack, Queen, King).
Different card games have different uses for the Ace, so it always pays to take note of it.
In cribbage, the Ace is low. In poker, the Ace is high.
Mixing the two up would make for a really bad poker hand!
What Cards Do You Play Cribbage With?
To play Cribbage, you don’t need special cards; a normal deck of 52 cards will do just fine. A cribbage board is recommended to play and keep track of points, but it technically isn’t required as long as you know you need to get to 121 points to win.
What Is A Cribbage Card Called?
The Cribbage card is another name for the card you cut after discarding into the dealer’s hand. This card is more commonly referred to as the “cut card” or the “starter card.” Some people will rarely call it the “cribbage card.”
This is one of those things in Cribbage that doesn’t really matter.
People confuse nibs, nobs, his heels, and other terms all the time.
There isn’t a true standard definition, just accepted rules.
Do you call three Aces a Royal Pair, Three of a Kind, or Trips?
It doesn’t matter. Any which way, it’s worth 6 points.
As long as you’re following the rules, it doesn’t matter what you call it.
How Many Cards Do You Start With In Cribbage?
In traditional modern Cribbage, you play with two players and start with 6 cards each. Then, you discard two cards into the dealer’s crib each round. After this, you cut the deck and being the Play or Pegging.
3 Person Cribbage (see our rules article) gives the Pones 5 cards each and the dealer 6 cards.
Partner Cribbage gives each player 5.
5-Card Cribbage (the “old” way of playing) is a shorter version of the game going to 61 points.
In this one, each player gets 5 cards and still discards two into the dealer’s crib.
What Is A Joker In Cribbage?
Though some people may use a Joker as a wild card in some Cribbage variations, the Joker generally has NO use in most Cribbage games. It’s not even put in the deck.
Do You Get 3 Points For 31 And Last Card In Cribbage?
You do not get 3 points if you land on 31 and you have the last card during the play. In this case, you’d only get two points for making 31 exactly. This is one of the most often mistaken rules in the game.
The only time you get one point for Last Card is if you have the last card during the Play or Pegging and you didn’t make 31. It’s more of another Go! than a truly different point.