Dutch Blitz is a fun game where you race your family and friends, stealing their spots in the middle to empty your Blitz Pile first and play the most cards in the Dutch Piles.
If you love this game (as my family does), you probably want to look for a few more games similar to this level of fun.
I know we did, which is why I researched and asked around to come up with this list of 9 fun card games like Dutch Blitz.
Let’s get dealing!

If you don’t know how to play Dutch Blitz, check out our complete guide for everything you need to know A to Z.
Table of Contents
Nerts and Dutch Blitz are so related they’re basically variants of one another.
The key here is that you play with multiple decks of regular cards rather than decks of the specialized Dutch Cards.
Nerts (also called Pounce or Racing Demon) plays exactly like Dutch Blitz, but because you’re playing with regular cards, each hand or round takes a little longer.
It’s similar enough, it’ll only take a few seconds to learn how to play, but it’s different enough it’ll feel like a new game.
Read more about Dutch Blitz vs. Nerts.
Uno is an iconic card game anyone would know.
But there are enough similarities between it and Dutch Blitz; it’s worth a second look for anyone who enjoys the game.
While there isn’t the rush of everyone playing at the same time, you still are racing to get all the cards out of your hand first.
Plus, everyone is playing off the same middle cards, just like Dutch Blitz.
On top of everything else, the whole Reverse, Skip, Draw 2, and Wild cards make Uno the blast it is.
All you need to play Speed is a deck of regular cards and an opponent.
The goal of the game is to get out of the cards in your deck first.
Both players play at the exact same and off the same cards in the middle.
This is just like the thrill of playing Dutch Blitz.
Most games in Speed only take a few minutes to play, and you can only play with two players at a time.
So if you’re looking for more of a family card game night, you might want to set up a tournament and play multiple matches where to win, you need to take the best of 5 or 7 games per player.
Skip-Bo and Dutch Blitz have quite a few similarities without being so similar you feel like you’re playing the same game.
Both card games have everyone building piles in ascending order in the middle off of each other.
Both games have the goal of emptying out one of their piles first to win the round and the game.
But Skip-Bo tends to take longer because it uses more cards (162 to be exact) and makes players take turns.
So if you’re looking for a game like Dutch Blitz without the fast-paced gameplay, Skip-Bo is for you.
Check out our guide to Dutch Blitz vs. Skip-Bo.
Perpetual Commotion
Perpetual Commotion is a more chaotic and modern version of Dutch Blitz.
It plays exactly like Dutch Blitz with a few more rules to make the game a bit crazier.
There are added rules and bonuses for going out first, and you can’t stack down on your “Front Five” piles (similar to Post Piles).
It also features an extended hand by making people go from Start to Stop including 13 cards.
Start cards are wild and replace the 1s. The 2s determine what color the Arena or middle cards must be in that particular pile.
After playing 2-12, the next player stops the deck by playing a STOP card.
In this way, it sounds like Nerts, Dutch Blitz, and Uno had a game child.
Slap Jack
If one of your favorite parts of Dutch Blitz is those moments when multiple players slap down for a spot, then Slap Jack is a quick and simple game for you.
Any number of players can play, but it works best in smaller groups of 2-5.
Deal out an equal (or as close as possible) number of cards until the whole deck is out.
One player at a time plays their top card in the middle.
When a Jack pops up, players slap their hands down on it.
The person who slapped first gets the whole pile.
Ligretto is a game from Germany based on the same subset of cards as Dutch Blitz and Nerts.
In fact, if you’ve ever played both, you’ll have noticed the games are exactly the same.
The difference is so minor; they’re negligible.
If you know someone who would prefer the geometric styles of Ligretto over the folksy Dutch Blitz ones, check this one out.
Check out our guide comparing Dutch Blitz and Ligretto.
Blink is another fast-paced card game you’ll want to check out if you love the speed of Dutch Blitz.
It’s essentially Speed with shapes and visual elements instead of a standard deck of cards.
If you really love Speed and quick, short games, this game is for you.
Scrabble Slam
Scrabble Slam is a game I got for my 10-year-old, who loves Scrabble and Dutch Blitz.
I was intrigued by the fast-play aspect of it on the box, and the game didn’t disappoint.
The deck of letter cards is split between the players, and a 4-letter word (or two words) is placed in the middle.
Once the game starts, players race to empty their hands of their letter cards by changing the word to another one letter at a time.
It’s way more fun than it should be, and it’s amazing for helping your kids (and grownups, too) keep their minds sharp.